Political Risk. We help you protect your operations in unstable and complex jurisdictions by providing information on political risks which could have an impact on your business

Conducting business in politically unstable jurisdictions, which are affected by conflicts or where standards are still evolving, is extremely difficult. We help our clients to understand the local political environment so they can develop business strategies which take into account the specific risks of these countries.

Our advisory services includes geopolitical analysis, evaluation related to corruption and regulatory aspects; analysis of government policies; impact of economic-socio-cultural specificities on business; as well as regular updates on factors which can affect government decisions and, as a consequence, have influence over the client’s business.

Case Study: Impact on Ethiopia-Eritrea relations on production and logistics

An international company intended to set up a production site in an Ethiopian region and would rely on the use of one of the Eritrean ports logistics hub for the movement of its goods. For this purpose, it needed to obtain an understanding of the risks attached to its future business operations, in the context of the peace agreements signed between Ethiopia and Eritrea after decades of hostility, including the state of their political and diplomatic relations and the degree of stability of their respective governments.

Based on analysis of relevant documentation which involved interviews with political experts and on-the-ground enquiries with well-placed sources in Eritrea and Ethiopia, the client was provided with an assessment of the political risks attached which contributed to the development of the appropriate risk-based strategy with respect to the client’s business activities in the region.

We help you take informed and risk-based decisions. Benefit from our experience.

You can purchase one of our due diligence reports directly or discuss with us how we can help you.


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Article / italia economy

L’IA e la tutela dei diritti umani

May 2024
Il Parlamento Europeo ha approvato il Regolamento sull’Intelligenza Artificiale, promuovendo l’etica e la sicurezza nell’uso dell’IA. Vediamolo insieme
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