Middle East

CRW has conducted several due diligence projects in the Middle East with the support of local associated experts who have advanced information collection and analysis skills including in-depth knowledge of virtual social networks in the region.
Given the difficulty in obtaining accurate information in the region, it is necessary to conduct sophisticated searches in Arabic and other languages and explore alternative sources, including the invisible web in the Middle East.
Case Study

Integrity Due Diligence on an oil company in the Middle East

An international corporation was looking to engage in a contractual agreement with an oil company based in the Middle East but, the lack of transparency of the beneficial ownership and indications of undeclared connections with PEPs who were members of the royal family of a neighbouring country created cause for concern.

The Context

CRW undertook an integrity due diligence on the target company, identified and investigated its beneficial owners and assessed the risks attached to the deal and, in particular, the relationships with PEPs. A systematic analysis included mapping declared and undeclared relationships through open-source research and on-the-ground enquiries with reliable local sources.

The Result

The client was presented with a risk assessment and advised with risk-mitigation measures which helped the client make sound, risk-based decisions.

Case Study

Investigation of a company suspected of corruption

A client was considering a business relationship with an Israeli defence company. It asked CRW to conduct enhanced due diligence on the company and to investigate allegations of involvement in corrupt practices which created cause for concern.

The Context

Research and on-the-ground enquiries revealed that the management included former army officers with strong connections to highly ranked PEPs and was involved in opaque business dealings in Africa. It was established that tax evasion and corrupt practices were taking place through a complex network of offshore companies which resulted in public contracts.

The Result

Although none of the managers or shareholders had faced any criminal charges, the client concluded that the risks attached to this company were beyond its risk-appetite and decided not to engage further with the company.

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